
Welcome Back, Bobcats!

Welcome back Palm Lake Bobcats and a great big welcome to our new Palm Lake Elementary families!

My name is Meredith Fisher, and I am your PTA President for the 2022-2023 school year.
Our PTA Executive Board Officers and I have been busy planning for the year and coming up with new innovative ways to support our staff, students, and the Palm Lake community. But we cannot do this alone! I encourage each and every one of you to become a part of our Palm Lake Elementary PTA.

As a member of the PTA, you are a voice for our students and part of the largest child advocacy program in the world. The PTA also contributes to school activities and events through volunteer hours and by providing financial support based on the money we raise through Fundraisers, but there are many more advantages:

• By volunteering with your PTA, you gain valuable experiences and personal confidence. It’s an opportunity to put your skills and
hobbies to good use, for a great cause.
• By getting involved, you’ll be part of the solution, helping to drive positive change.
• PTA functions provide opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, and form lasting relationships.
• The PTA is a forum for exchanging ideas. Attend the PTA meetings throughout the year to make suggestions, and provide
your input.

The biggest area of opportunity to help will be with our Annual Fundraiser, which will kick off on October 1st.
Every dollar helps, and 100% of what is raised stays here at the school!

Our first three PTA-sponsored events happen fairly quickly:
Please join us on Wednesday, August 10th for our Annual Boo Hoo! Yahoo! Breakfast from 8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. in the school cafeteria after dropping off your child for their first day of school.
On Friday, September 9th we will host Donuts with Dear Ones for families whose student’s last name begins with A-M and on Friday, September 16th for families whose student’s last name begins with N-Z. Both of which will be held in the school cafeteria from 8:20am – 8:45am. I hope you can attend!

I hope you will join me in becoming a member of our Palm Lake Elementary PTA. Membership sign-ups will be available in the cafeteria during Meet the Teacher on Monday August 8th from 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Alternatively, complete the form in the Palm Lake Elementary folder that your student receives at Meet the Teacher. Simply fill out the form, attach your method of payment (cash or check made out to Palm Lake Elementary PTA), and return to school with your child. You will receive a receipt via email.

Palm Lake Elementary is truly a special place, we have an amazing community of students, parents, teachers, and staff. Contributing to the PTA only enhances and strengthens this relationship. Thank you for helping make every student’s potential a reality.
This year, we will be focusing, school-wide, on making Palm Lake a place where kindness matters, and friendliness comes first.
Together, we will continue to grow together as a school community.
I look forward to meeting you at our first PTA meeting on Monday September 12th at 9:00 a.m. in the school cafeteria.

Warm Regards,

Meredith Fisher
Palm Lake PTA President

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